Goals of the Project :

New technologies are constantly changing the way we learn, work, live and function in a digital and knowledge-based society. Life is increasingly non-routine, problem-based and technology rich. That’s why education systems are moving away from solely content-led approaches, and focusing more on helping learners develop a range of competences and student-based learning systems to cope in the complex world.

"I hear and I forget. I see and I believe.
I do and I understand."

(Project Motto - Confucius.)

The biggest challenge any teacher faces is capturing the students’ attention, and putting across ideas in such a way that stays with them long after they have left the classroom. 

Therefore, the necessity of this project has its origins in the need of enhancing the motivation for students and teachers by learning 21st Century Key Competences and innovative teaching techniques which will be integrated into the curriculum and School Development Strategy Plan in order to create student-based learning system and decrease the school dropout rates which is a big problem throughout Europe and World.

The biggest challenge any teacher faces is capturing the students’ attention, and putting across ideas in such a way that stays with them long after they have left the classroom. 

For this to happen, classroom experience should be redefined and innovative ideas that make teaching methods more effective should be implemented.

Corona - Stay@Home

Update 30/03/2020

The whole world is held captive by the new Corona virus.  We need to stay positive, keep sharing video's and helping each other !!

The results of Poll on critical thinking and media which announced on SchoolEducationGateway

  • Teachers of all subjects and age groups already have the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, training and support to teach the development of critical thinking skills about and through media 49% Disagree and 24% Strongly Disagree.
  • Teaching critical thinking skills about and through media is highly engaging and motivating not only for high achieving students,but also for lower performing students who are usually more difficult to reach 49% Strongly agree , 45% Agree.

We (6 Partners) also made questionaires to the pupils, parents and teacher in order to get the idea of schools' components digital performances and approach, and enable to evaluate the project activities whether and towhat extent, the project reaches its objectives and results. (in quantiative and qualitive way).



Some results of the questionaires

  • 75% Parents are worried about E-safety
  • 80% Pupils are out of concentraton when teachers use Traditional Teaching Tecniques
  • 85% Teachers desire to get a course about Digital Learning.

The use of innovative methods in educational institutions has the potential not only to improve education, but also to empower people, strengthen governance and galvanize the effort to achieve the human development goal for the country.

PROJECTNUMBER 2018-1-TR01-KA229-059973_2

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