Februari 2020

Mobility #4 Belgium.

See more info at the Mobilities Page




Safer Internet Day , SID 2020 is celebrating across Europe on Thuesday 11 Februar and our school printed out 2500 copies from eSafety brochures to be send in nearby schools and share them with parents and students.


Some pics and more info can be found here

Januari 2020

November 2019

Erasmus Days Activity was held at Çağan Irmak Cultural Center with exhibition and lecture about Erasmus activities and our projects

See some more pictures here


Sapling Activity in Turkey which is called Give Breath to future ;

We named one of the sapling our project for future Generation :) 


September 2019

Europe Code Week is coming!

Hello everyone!

Europe Code Week is coming, so I created an activity event for all of us, on behalf of our project. 

The name of the activity is 21st century schools -coding challenge (https://codeweek.eu/view/222295/21st-century-schools-coding-challenge) and the code to link is  : cw19-SzpAm

There are many ready projects , even for beginners. Don't be afraid to try one with your students



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